Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Holy Rough Morning

It is said that we can create our own state of mind. After a rough morning filled with a lot of negative aspects instead of reflecting on those I want to reflect on the things and people in my life that make me happy. In psychology we talk about how smiling can make you happier simply because you smiled so maybe this will help. 
My family makes me happy, there are few people I know who go home to a family who congratulates you on how loud you can burp and will run around Walmart with you at midnight. They aren't just always there for me if I need them, they are there for me when I don't want them.
My roommate Sarah, and the girls on my floor and my sorority sisters make me happy. It is actually impossible for me to stay mad at any of them because they are all so goofy. I have never met a more respecting group of people or ones that were this loving.
My boyfriend makes me happy, even though he never believes me. I always thought it took a lot of effort to date me, and I'm sure if you asked him it probably does, but he doesn't ever turn his back on me (metaphorically of course, speaking in literal terms he does it all the time) even when I make outrageous comments. He doesn't always realize how much the little things mean to me like sneaking up on me in the dinning hall or sending me a text when he wakes up in the morning, but it is the little things that really make me crazy about him.
Peanut, yes my stuffed animal, makes me happy. He smells like home, although Sarah might try to argue he smells slightly different, and ever since I was five he is the only "boy" that has been there for me. It is a comfort thing, so what if it is childish, sue me.
Class getting cancelled is also pretty sweet, but I mean, no explaination needed.
Thunderstorms, rain and stars make me happy. If I could go hiking and spend all day outside in beautiful weather I would. I love the stars at night and have always been thankful I grew up somewhere where I could see them, and I love the smell of rain, the sound of thunder, and the feeling of rain on my skin. To me there has always been something liberating about nature.
Last, but of course not least, and this list could go on and on but I have another paper to write, so baking and photography make me happy. These topics are grouped together because they are both very theraputic for me, baking gives me a sense of purpose while photography gives me an outlet. I love driving around wasting gas to find places to take pictures and things to take pictures of, and can't wait for it to become warm so I don't have to freeze my ass off while doing it.

We can't always choose how everything happens in life, and we can't manipulate situations to benefit us and our loved once. But what we can do is realize that when the world gives us a reason to frown, there are a million of reasons to keep smiling.

On a side note: you should all donate and support research for both Cancer and Diabetes, give someone else another reason to smile by helping out.

For some reasons this song has always made me happy. I don't know if it is because it is associated with lazy days on the boat at Table Rock or what but enjoy :)

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