Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I Can't Stay Mad

I can't stay mad, it is almost impossible. As a kid if I fought with my sister I'd pout and slam doors and sit in my room and cry for five minutes and then I'd be in her room wanting to play and apologizing. Same goes when I was a teenager. I'd get in fights with my parents and storm to my room and cry and scream and slam doors (amazing how that never changed), and then five minutes later I would be making paper airplanes saying "I'm sorry" and flying them down the stairs for my parents to read.
I'm always the first to apologize, whether I was right or wrong, and always ALWAYS the first to cave.
This is why I always lose arguments.
I've always wondered why I am like this, why, no matter how important to me something is I'm willing to drop it and harbor my feelings silent then to wait out the storm of anger and be the last to apologize.
If you ask my mom? It is because I'm a people pleaser.
If you ask me? It is because I hold the relationship with the person on a higher pedestal than just winning a fight. It is because I have grown up watching fights causing people to leave, and have had relationships when every fight caused a break up. It is because the person I'm fighting with is more important than winning, because in fights no one ever truly wins.

Now which is true? Well the information in the second is all factual. But I think it is safe to say that my moms viewpoint is just the short way of saying my main problem.

Now, back to studying.

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